Dosage forms – formy farmaceutyczne (postaci leków) cz.2

03.12.2024  |  3 min czytania

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Marzena Gede

Trenerka języka angielskiego

Coach, metodyk i projektantka szkoleń e-learningowych

Rozszerzamy temat postaci leków! W tej lekcji znajdziesz praktyczne ćwiczenie, które pomoże Ci utrwalić nazwy form farmaceutycznych i poprawnie stosować je w różnych kontekstach. Idealna okazja, by wzbogacić słownictwo i udoskonalić komunikację w języku angielskim. Sprawdź swoje umiejętności i rozwijaj się z nami!

Spis treści



Instructions: Choose the correct dosage form from the options provided to complete each sentence. ( Wybierz odpowiednią postać leku z podanych opcji, aby uzupełnić każde zdanie.)

1. “The patient takes two ___ every morning after breakfast.”
a) Tablets
b) Capsules
c) Ointments

2. “You should swallow the ___ whole with a glass of water.”
a) Capsules
b) Drops
c) Creams

3. “___ are used for localized treatment and should be applied directly to the skin.”
a) Blisters
b) Suppositories
c) Ointments

4. “These ___ are usually packaged in strips, with each blister containing ten tablets.”
a) Blisters
b) Tablets
c) Suspensions

5. “___ are ideal for treating eye infections. You should use them in each eye twice a day.”
a) Drops
b) Gels
c) Solutions

6. “This ___ is used to treat and moisturize dry skin, especially on the hands.”
a) Cream
b) Suspensions
c) Tablets

7. “This ___ is used to treat and moisturize dry skin, especially on the hands.”
a) Cream
b) Suspensions
c) Tablets

8. “The ___ works to soothe sunburn and should be applied to the affected area for quick relief.”
a) Gel
b) Cream
c) Ointment

9. “___ should be shaken well before use to ensure the medicine is evenly distributed.”
a) Suspensions
b) Tablets
c) Blisters

10. “The pharmacist gave me a ___ to drink for my cough, which should be taken three times a day.”
a) Solution
b) Capsule
c) Ointment



1. “The patient takes two tablets every morning after breakfast.”

2. “You should swallow the capsules whole with a glass of water.”

3. “Ointments are used for localized treatment and should be applied directly to the skin.”

4. “These blisters are usually packaged in strips, with each blister containing ten tablets.”

5. “Drops are ideal for treating eye infections. You should use them in each eye twice a day.”

6. “This cream is used to treat and moisturize dry skin, especially on the hands.”

7. “The doctor gave me suppositories to relieve pain; they need to be inserted into the rectum.”

8. “The gel works to soothe sunburn and should be applied to the affected area for quick relief.”

9. “Suspensions should be shaken well before use to ensure the medicine is evenly distributed.”

10. “The pharmacist gave me a solution to drink for my cough, which should be taken three times a day.”

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