Witaj na pierwszej lekcji języka angielskiego dla farmaceutów! Dziś nauczysz się kluczowych terminów związanych z pracą w aptece. Twoim zadaniem będzie dopasowanie słów do ich definicji oraz uzupełnienie zdań odpowiednimi terminami. Lekcja jest podzielona na poziom podstawowy (A1/A2) i zaawansowany (B1/B2), więc możesz wybrać ten, który Ci odpowiada. Na koniec pobierz fiszki z Quizlet oraz klucz odpowiedzi w pdf, aby utrwalić nową wiedzę. Powodzenia!
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Take this pill if you are level A1/A2 CEFR
Take this pill if you are level B1/B2 CEFR
Gap-Filling Activity: Pharmaceutical Care level B1/B2
Answer Key
Take this pill if you are level A1/A2 CEFR
Instructions: Match the words below with their definitions.
WORDS: Pharmacist, Patient, Prescription, Over-the-Counter (OTC), Medicine, Dosage, Common remedies
A written order from a doctor for medication
Medicine available without a prescription
A substance used to treat or prevent illness
A healthcare professional who dispenses medications and offers advice on their use
The amount and frequency of medicine to be taken
An individual who seeks or receives medication
Medicines used over-the-counter treatments or solutions aimed at alleviating minor health issues or symptoms
TU POBIERZ plik z gotowymi fiszkami w aplikacji QUIZLET do 1 Vocabulary Match (level A1/A2):
The process of preparing and giving out prescribed medications to patients
The science and activities related to detecting, assessing, understanding, and preventing adverse drug effects
A patient-centered approach where pharmacists manage medication-related needs and ensure appropriate use
A list of medications that are approved and covered by a specific health insurance plan or healthcare system
An unintended, harmful reaction to a drug occurring at therapeutic doses
The process of ensuring a patient’s medication list is accurate and complete, especially during transitions of care
The study of how drugs affect the body and the mechanisms of their action
Providing information and advice to patients about their medications, including usage and side effects
The practice of direct patient care, focusing on optimizing medication use and improving health outcomes
A situation where one drug affects the activity of another when both are administered together
Gap-Filling Activity: Pharmaceutical Care level B1/B2
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct term from the list below.
TERMS: Dispensation, Medication Therapy Management (MTM), Pharmaceutical Care, Drug Interaction, Patient Counseling, Clinical Pharmacy, Formulary, Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR), Medication Reconciliation, Pharmacovigilance
The pharmacist conducted a thorough __________ to ensure that there were no discrepancies between the patient’s medication orders and what they were actually taking.
As part of __________, the pharmacist worked with the patient to optimize their medication regimen and improve therapeutic outcomes.
__________ is the process of providing the correct medication to a patient according to a prescription.
During __________, the pharmacist educates the patient about how to properly take their medications and discusses any potential side effects.
The hospital’s __________ is a list of medications that are approved for use and covered by the institution’s policies.
The pharmacist specializes in __________, where they work closely with healthcare teams to manage and optimize patient medication therapy.
After the patient reported unusual symptoms, the healthcare team investigated whether it could be an __________ caused by one of the medications.
To prevent harmful effects, the pharmacist carefully checked for any potential __________ between the patient’s current medications.
The primary focus of __________ is to monitor and evaluate the safety of medications after they have been released to the market.
The goal of __________ is to provide patient-centered care that improves the patient’s quality of life through the safe and effective use of medications.
TU POBIERZ plik z gotowymi fiszkami w aplikacji QUIZLET do 2 Vocabulary Match (level B1/B2):
Pharmacist: A healthcare professional who dispenses medications and offers advice on their use
Patient: An individual who seeks or receives medication
Prescription: A written order from a doctor for medication
Over-the-Counter (OTC): Medicine available without a prescription
Medicine: A substance used to treat or prevent illness
Dosage: The amount and frequency of medicine to be taken
Common remedies: medicines used over-the-counter treatments or solutions aimed at alleviating minor health issues or symptoms
Vocabulary Match (level B1/B2)
Dispensation: The process of preparing and giving out prescribed medications to patients
Medication Therapy Management (MTM): The science and activities related to detecting, assessing, understanding, and preventing adverse drug effects
Pharmaceutical Care: A patient-centered approach where pharmacists manage medication-related needs and ensure appropriate use
Drug Interaction: A situation where one drug affects the activity of another when both are administered together
Patient Counseling: Providing information and advice to patients about their medications, including usage and side effects
Clinical Pharmacy: The practice of direct patient care, focusing on optimizing medication use and improving outcomes
Formulary: A list of medications that are approved and covered by a specific health insurance plan or healthcare system
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)/Adverse Events : An unintended, harmful reaction to a drug occurring at therapeutic doses
Medication Reconciliation: The process of ensuring a patient’s medication list is accurate and complete, especially during transitions of care
Pharmacovigilance: The science and activities related to detecting, assessing, understanding, and preventing adverse drug effects
Gap-Filling Activity: Pharmaceutical Care level B1/B2
The pharmacist conducted a thorough medication reconciliation to ensure that there were no discrepancies between the patient’s medication orders and what they were actually taking.
As part of medication therapy management (MTM), the pharmacist worked with the patient to optimize their medication regimen and improve therapeutic outcomes.
Dispensation is the process of providing the correct medication to a patient according to a prescription.
During patient counseling, the pharmacist educates the patient about how to properly take their medications and discusses any potential side effects.
The hospital’s formulary is a list of medications that are approved for use and covered by the institution’s policies.
The pharmacist specializes in clinical pharmacy, where they work closely with healthcare teams to manage and optimize patient medication therapy.
After the patient reported unusual symptoms, the healthcare team investigated whether it could be an adverse drug reaction (ADR) caused by one of the medications.
To prevent harmful effects, the pharmacist carefully checked for any potential drug interaction between the patient’s current medications.
The primary focus of pharmacovigilance is to monitor and evaluate the safety of medications after they have been released to the market.
The goal of pharmaceutical care is to provide patient-centered care that improves the patient’s quality of life through the safe and effective use of medications.
Materiały i treści opublikowane na stronie, jak również jej projekt graficzny jako całość, podlega ochronie prawnej, w tym na mocy przepisów prawa autorskiego, prawa własności przemysłowej oraz ustawy o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji. Zabronione jest powielanie lub wykorzystywanie w inny sposób jakichkolwiek materiałów i treści w całości jak i w części bez pisemnej zgody administratora strony wskazanego w nocie prawnej. Zamieszczanie linków do strony lub do treści w niej zawartych jest dopuszczalne tylko do celów prywatnych, niezwiązanych z prowadzeniem działalności gospodarczej.