05.11.2024 | 5 min czytania
Marzena Gede
Trenerka języka angielskiego
Coach, metodyk i projektantka szkoleń e-learningowych
W tej lekcji skupiamy się na czasownikach, które pomogą Ci sprawnie komunikować się z pacjentami i współpracownikami w codziennych sytuacjach aptecznych. Nauczysz się, jak efektywnie doradzać, monitorować leczenie, wydawać leki i wiele, wiele więcej – wszystko w praktycznych kontekstach, które ułatwią Twoją pracę!
Zanim przejdziesz do dzisiejszej pigułki, sprawdź czy pamiętasz czasowniki z poprzedniej lekcji:
Polecenie: Teraz uzupełnij krótkie dialogi pomiędzy farmaceutami, używając czasowników z poprzedniej pigułki wiedzy.
Verb Bank
Monitor, Dispense, Administer, Counsel, Adjust, Prescribe, Interpret, Verify, Compound, Advise
1. Mike: “Today, I had to ________ a special cream for a patient. It was tricky.”
Sarah: “I understand. Those special products take a lot of time.”
2. Sarah: “I needed to ________ Mr. Smith’s progress with his new medicine. He felt a bit dizzy.”
Mike: “Yes, we need to check on patients to keep them safe.”
3. Mike: “A patient asked me if they could drink juice with their medicine. I had to ________ them against it”
Sarah: “Good idea. Some drinks do not mix well with medicine.”
4. Sarah: “I tried to ________ a prescription from Dr. Lee today. His handwriting is so messy.”
Mike: “Yes, it’s hard to read sometimes. Did you call the clinic?”
Sarah: “I did, and they helped.”
5. Mike: “I had to ________ many bottles of medicine today. We almost ran out.”
Sarah: “Yes, it is busy sometimes. We need to be careful with the stock.”
6. Sarah: “I had to ________ the prescription before giving it to the patient. It looked too strong for a child.”
Mike: “Good that you checked. We need to be sure it’s correct.”
7. Mike: “A nurse asked me how to ________ an injection safely.”
Sarah: “I’m glad they asked for instructions. It helps everyone stay safe.”
8. Sarah: “I had to ________ a patient today about their new medicine. They were worried.”
Mike: “It’s good to explain. It helps them feel better.”
9. Mike: “A doctor called and said we need to ________ the amount of medicine for a patient.”
Sarah: “It’s helpful when they tell us about changes.”
10. Sarah: “Dr. Patel came in today to ________ a new heart medicine and asked us for advice.”
Mike: “I’m glad she did that. It helps us avoid mistakes.”
1. Compound
Mike: “Today, I had to compound a special cream for a patient. It was tricky.”
Sarah: “I understand. Those special products take a lot of time.”
2. Monitor
Sarah: “I needed to monitor Mr. Smith’s progress with his new medicine. He felt a bit dizzy.”
Mike: “Yes, we need to check on patients to keep them safe.”
3. Advise
Mike: “A patient asked me if they could drink juice with their medicine. I had to advise them against it.”
Sarah: “Good idea. Some drinks do not mix well with medicine.”
4. Interpret
Sarah: “I tried to interpret a prescription from Dr. Lee today. His handwriting is so messy.”
Mike: “Yes, it’s hard to read sometimes. Did you call the clinic?”
Sarah: “I did, and they helped.”
5. Dispense
Mike: “I had to dispense many bottles of medicine today. We almost ran out.”
Sarah: “Yes, it is busy sometimes. We need to be careful with the stock.”
6. Verify
Sarah: “I had to verify the prescription before giving it to the patient. It looked too strong for a child.”
Mike: “Good that you checked. We need to be sure it’s correct.”
7. Administer
Mike: “A nurse asked me how to administer an injection safely.”
Sarah: “I’m glad they asked for instructions. It helps everyone stay safe.”
8. Counsel
Sarah: “I had to counsel a patient today about their new medicine. They were worried.”
Mike: “It’s good to explain. It helps them feel better.”
9. Adjust
Mike: “A doctor called and said we need to adjust the amount of medicine for a patient.”
Sarah: “It’s helpful when they tell us about changes.”
10. Prescribe
Sarah: “Dr. Patel came in today to prescribe a new heart medicine and asked us for advice.”
Mike: “I’m glad she did that. It helps us avoid mistakes.”
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