How to interview a patient? Czyli jak przeprowadzić krótki wywiad z pacjentem w aptece

05.09.2024  |  4 min czytania

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Marzena Gede

Trenerka języka angielskiego

Coach, metodyk i projektantka szkoleń e-learningowych

Jako farmaceut(k)a często spotykasz się z sytuacją, gdy do Twojej apteki wchodzi pacjent(ka) i prosi o polecenie leku na niewielkie dolegliwości. Zażywając dzisiejszej pigułki, będziesz miał(a) okazję przećwiczyć zadawanie pytań przydatnych do przeprowadzenia wywiadu z pacjentem.

Spis treści

  1. Symptoms and Condition Details
  2. Allergies and Reactions
  3. Current and Past Medications
  4. General Health

Instructions: Put the words in the correct order to form questions that a community pharmacists may ask a patient before recommending a course of action.

Symptoms and Condition Details

1. been / you / How / have / these / symptoms / long / experiencing?

2. symptoms / you / describe / Can / your?

3. feel / When / you / do / the / symptoms / the / most?

4. worse / feel / your / Does / make / something / symptoms?

5. tried / Have / anything / relief / for / before / you?

Allergies and Reactions

1. allergic / to / you / Are / medications / any?

2. any / Do / you / allergies / have / to / medications?

3. past / experienced / reactions / you / any / in / allergic / the / Have?

Current and Past Medications

1. any / currently / you / medications / Are / taking?

2. Are / currently / you / any / prescription / medications / taking?

3. currently / supplements / Are / or / you / any / using / herbal / remedies?

4. over-the-counter / medications / Are / or / any / you / supplements / using?

5. previously / medication / taken / for / this / Have / you / any / condition?

General Health

1. Do / medical / conditions / any /  you / have / known?

2. conditions / you / any / have / health / chronic / Do?

3. recent / any / had / changes / you / in / general / health / Have / your?

4. Have / seen / a / professional / health / you / about / this / condition?


Symptoms and Condition Details

1. How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?

2. Can you describe your symptoms?

3. When do you feel the symptoms the most?

4. Does something make your symptoms feel worse?

5. Have you tried anything for relief before?

Allergies and Reactions

1. Are you allergic to any medications?

2. Do you have any allergies to medications?

3. Have you experienced any allergic reactions in the past?

Current and Past Medications

1. Are you currently taking any medications?

2. Are you currently taking any prescription medications?

3. Are you currently using any supplements or herbal remedies?

4. Are you using any over-the-counter medications or supplements?

5. Have you taken any medication for this condition previously?

General Health

1. Do you have any known medical conditions?

2. Do you have any chronic health conditions?

3. Have you had any recent changes in your general health?

4. Have you seen a health professional about this condition?

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